These are the words we use when speaking to and about ourselves. Sometimes it is the nagging, relentless voice in side of our heads. The French have named this voice the "Sabateur"!
Quite often, through conditioning, or repetition, the words of the Sabateur fall out of our brains and out of our mouths...
"I always seem to get it wrong" 'I'm too old, fat, uneducated...for that!"
"This is how it always goes for someone like me." "I never win,"
"I never have enough money, time, friends, or luck!" "I seem to pick the wrong people." "It has always been this way for me." "I'm so weak!"
When conducting certain workshops, I've asked the audiences to write down one of the negative messages they tell themselves. Next, the writers are asked to turn to the friend next to them and say the message to that person. They direct it toward the other person as though it was a message meant for him or her.
Everyone in the group is usually horrified at the prospect of saying something so mean to a friend or even to the stranger next to them.
I really believe that most of the time, we are unaware of the atmosphere of self-criticism in which we are living. With this dynamic exercise, participants gain an awareness of the degree to which their words are destructive and unkind.
We think say things to ourselves that we could never in our right minds say to a friend. If we did, that friend would be so crushed and shocked that their love for us could change, or disappear completely from our lives.
We all want love...
to love, to be loved and see more love in the world. This begins within!
When we learn to extinguish the flame of self-deprecation, we stop verbally beating ourselves up, and ignite that self-love flame, we prepare ourselves to give and receive. As one person, this is our magical contribution toward a more loving world.
Those self-loathing words that we use on ourselves are the real bullies in our lives. They won't go away so easily simply with our desire...but it is a start!
That desire is like the power found in taking a stand with a human bully.
We have then created the space to flex those self-love muscles!
We can effectively exercise to strengthen self-love muscles with new ways of speaking to and about ourselves. Call these affirmations, scripts, assertions, or my personal favorite, exercises for our brains! Just like with the body, our minds become stronger with effective mental exercises to chase away the bully brain and nurture inner harmony.
Here are a few examples:
"Life always works out for me."
"I am grateful for the lessons...this life"
"Life just keeps getting better for me"
"I am worthy of a healthy body...loving relationship...a well-paying job...a
pretty home...supportive friends"
"I feel stronger...happier...safer...healthier every day"
Ditch the old talk and replace it with your new!
Three sets of 10, 25 times a day...every day!
Got it? Good!
From me to you with strong love and light!
These are the words we use when speaking to and about ourselves. Sometimes it is the nagging, relentless voice in side of our heads. The French have named this voice the "Sabateur"!
Quite often, through conditioning, or repetition, the words of the Sabateur fall out of our brains and out of our mouths...
"I always seem to get it wrong" 'I'm too old, fat, uneducated...for that!"
"This is how it always goes for someone like me." "I never win,"
"I never have enough money, time, friends, or luck!" "I seem to pick the wrong people." "It has always been this way for me." "I'm so weak!"
When conducting certain workshops, I've asked the audiences to write down one of the negative messages they tell themselves. Next, the writers are asked to turn to the friend next to them and say the message to that person. They direct it toward the other person as though it was a message meant for him or her.
Everyone in the group is usually horrified at the prospect of saying something so mean to a friend or even to the stranger next to them.
I really believe that most of the time, we are unaware of the atmosphere of self-criticism in which we are living. With this dynamic exercise, participants gain an awareness of the degree to which their words are destructive and unkind.
We think say things to ourselves that we could never in our right minds say to a friend. If we did, that friend would be so crushed and shocked that their love for us could change, or disappear completely from our lives.
We all want love...
to love, to be loved and see more love in the world. This begins within!
When we learn to extinguish the flame of self-deprecation, we stop verbally beating ourselves up, and ignite that self-love flame, we prepare ourselves to give and receive. As one person, this is our magical contribution toward a more loving world.
Those self-loathing words that we use on ourselves are the real bullies in our lives. They won't go away so easily simply with our desire...but it is a start!
That desire is like the power found in taking a stand with a human bully.
We have then created the space to flex those self-love muscles!
We can effectively exercise to strengthen self-love muscles with new ways of speaking to and about ourselves. Call these affirmations, scripts, assertions, or my personal favorite, exercises for our brains! Just like with the body, our minds become stronger with effective mental exercises to chase away the bully brain and nurture inner harmony.
Here are a few examples:
"Life always works out for me."
"I am grateful for the lessons...this life"
"Life just keeps getting better for me"
"I am worthy of a healthy body...loving relationship...a well-paying job...a
pretty home...supportive friends"
"I feel stronger...happier...safer...healthier every day"
Ditch the old talk and replace it with your new!
Three sets of 10, 25 times a day...every day!
Got it? Good!
From me to you with strong love and light!