You may be feeling as though you just don't process calories the way you used to at a younger chronological age. Some blame it on "getting older", but if you want to escape the age cage excuse, there are effective steps you can take now!
Supporting a healthy metabolism isn't just about our desire for a slender appearance. The chemical process of efficiently turning calories consumed into usable energy is important for longevity, immune function, fertility, cellular health, the endocrine system, and more. In fact, our brains' energetic demands makes them the biggest benefactors of healthy metabolisms.
Here are 7 proven recommendations for revving up your metabolism:
1. SLEEP! Getting plenty of sleep, (7-8 hours), allows the body to restore and repair. Insufficient sleep impacts our ability to support healthy physical and emotional functions. Lack of sleep = lack of weight loss.
2. STOP COUNTING CALORIES! Instead, focus on nutrient dense foods. Keep your body well-fueled with fresh, unprocessed foods. Escape the "yo-yo" dieting game that is a metabolic disaster. Not properly fueling your body to support activities and exercise can lead to "concentration camp" metabolic state or a "catabolic state" of muscle breakdown.
3 RECOGNIZE AND MANAGE YOUR STRESS. More and more research is proving the unequivocal connection between stress levels and our bodies' propensity for producing and holding onto body fat. Just know that it is a chemical process...and it can be reversed! Spend time in nature, experience funny movies and plays, make sharing time with friends and loved ones a priority, exercise, read, get Reiki and meditate!
4. HI INTENSITY TRAINING. This is a training protocol that utilizes a series short burst, high effort exercise periods followed by short rest periods. This is as opposed to long distance, steady state exercise. The oxygen requirements to execute and recover from high intensity training cause the body to burn more calories during and post workout.
5. ELIMINATE INFLAMMATORY FOODS. Sugar is the biggest offender here. It is even more of an offender when you consider how much hidden sugar lurks in processed foods. Read labels! Other inflammatory foods include artificial sweeteners and processed foods made with non-gmo grains and gluten, such as crackers, pasta and granola bars.
6. INCLUDE METABOLISM BOOSTING FOODS in your boosting plan. Green tea, cinnamon, ginger, cayenne pepper, flax seeds, blue berries. Healthy fats like coconut oil, avocados and walnuts. These foods help to balance blood sugar as well as supporting good digestive health.
7. PICK UP SOME WEIGHTS to lose weight! Lean muscle uses more calories than flab! Turn up the metabolic dial with strength training.